
The history of this department began in 1997, when it was established as a Livestock Production Study Program under the Faculty of Agriculture, based on the Rector’s Decree Number 1613b/SK/J29/PP/1997 dated July 21, 1997. The program was inaugurated in 1999 with approval from the Directorate General of Higher Education based on Decree No. 229/DIKTI/Kep/1999 dated 18 May 1999.

In 2005, the status of the Animal Production Study Program was upgraded to the Department of Animal Production based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 47/DIKTI/Kep/2005 dated 17 October 2005. This change shows the development and increasing need for animal husbandry education.

In order to accommodate the development of the livestock industry and to provide professional knowledge, in 2007, based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 163/DIKTI/Kep/2007 dated 29 November 2007, the Livestock Production Study Program was changed to the Animal Husbandry Study Program. This change also involved the development of four specializations, namely Animal Production Science and Technology, Nutrition Science and Feed Technology, Livestock Agribusiness, and Animal Product Technology. This shows the department’s commitment in providing education that is relevant to the needs of the livestock industry and preparing its graduates with skills that are in line with the demands of the times.